The Boston College Intramural Program organizes sports and activities for the Boston College community. All leagues, tournaments, and events put on by the program are meant to be a fun, healthy outlet for all participants. 

BC intramurals are open to all students, faculty, and staff (with a Campus Rec membership) at Boston College and, with a few exceptions, these activities are free of charge! We try to take care of everything from including game scheduling, hiring student officials, and providing most equipment. No practices are required; all you have to do is register, follow our policies and procedures, and show up!

We are always looking for ways to improve so we are excited to hear ideas and feedback from the BC community. We can be reached by e-mailing, calling 617-552-0632, or just stopping by our office in the Basketball Wing of Margot's.

Our Mission

The purpose of the Intramural Sports program at Boston College is to provide exercise, recreation, and fun to our participants in a relaxed, yet structured environment. Intramural Sports enhance the academic experience by promoting and reinforcing leadership qualities, teamwork, personal accomplishment, mutual respect, integrity, competition and recreation, as well as skill and exercise. Everyone is encouraged to play to the best of their abilities; however, a win-at-all-cost attitude is inappropriate and strongly discouraged. The genuine value of Intramural Sports comes from the recreation and camaraderie experienced with the other participants and staff of the program.

Spring 2024 IM Schedule

Team Registration: Session 1 

Start: 01/21/24 @5:00PM

End: 02/29/24 Midnight

Sign up on! 

We're hiring! Email Dillon Smith to apply! 

You must sign the Campus Rec Student Agreement waiver for facility access and to register for IMs. It takes up to 24 hours to process after signing.

Joining Intramural Sports (IM's) at Boston College is a competitive process, reflecting the dynamic and enthusiastic spirit of our community. Unfortunately, due to high demand, we cannot guarantee a spot on a team in every sport. We strongly encourage those interested to proactively connect with fellow players, formulate teams, and be prepared at the time of sign-up, as slots tend to fill up rapidly.